The Contemporary Performance Program (CPP) is a graduate program for students wishing to focus on contemporary classical music. Our students are creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial. Our alumni thrive as soloists and members of prestigious ensembles.
Degree Offered
- Master of Music (MM in Contemporary Performance)
Contemporary Performance Majors
- All instruments and voice
Program Details
The Contemporary Performance Program at MSM is a vibrant community of graduate students who are passionate about the music of our time. The curriculum includes classes tailored to the specific needs of the contemporary performing musician.
The program features private instruction, group classes, composer collaborations, and groundbreaking performances with MSM’s premier contemporary ensemble, Tactus.
The intense level of collaboration and discussion among the students provides a fertile environment for experimentation and innovation.
Erin Rogers and Matt Ward serve as Co-Artistic and Administrative Advisors of the CPP Department and as Artistic Directors of its ensemble, Tactus.
CPP Coursework
Tactus (CPP Ensemble)
Notable CPP Alumni
“The deepest, grandest noise of the musical season so far”
From a review of Tactus, the CPP Ensemble
Audition & Prescreening Information
Prescreening & Audition Procedures
Handbook for Current Students
Contemporary Performance Handbook
Plan of Study & Course Descriptions
MSM Academic Catalog
(A plan of study may also be found at the bottom of this page.)
Contemporary Performance Administration
Erin Rogers
Co-Artistic and Administrative Advisor of the Contemporary Performance Program -
Matthew Ward
Co-Artistic and Administrative Advisor of the Contemporary Performance Program

NOTE: Curriculum is subject to change. In case of a discrepancy, the MSM Academic Catalog is the authoritative source of requirements. View the Academic Catalog here.
Sample Schedule for Master of Music / Contemporary Performance Major
Total Program Hours: 54-57
Major Instrument Seminar (CT6000)8 cr
Composer/Reading Workshop (CT1999)2 cr
Contemporary Ensemble (CT1071)4 cr
Contemporary Musicianship (CT2200)4 cr
Performing with Electronics (CT2700)2 cr
Contemporary Music Survey (CT1960-1961)6 cr
Concert Attendance (CA1000)0 cr
Jury0 cr
Major Instrument Seminar (CT6000)8 cr
Composer Reading/Workshop (CT1999)2 cr
Contemporary Ensemble (CT1071)4 cr
Composer/Performer Project (CT1700)2 cr
Advanced Practicum Entrepreneurship (ME2001)2 cr
Independent Study (IS1999)2 cr
Graduate Electives6 cr
Graduate Theory Electives (TH2000-2999)2 cr
5 Setting the Stage Workshops (ME1000)0 cr
Jury0 cr
Graduation Recital/Lecture Presentation0 cr

Members of MSM's critically-praised Tactus ensemble

The first CPP performance of the 2022-23 season. Tactus performs multiple times throughout the academic year.
“One of the huge benefits of MSM is its location in NYC, home to the richest and most saturated scene in contemporary classic, jazz and other genres.”
Viola, Contemporary Performance (MM '16)

MSM's critically-praised Tactus ensemble following a Soundpainting performance led by CPP faculty Todd Reynolds (front, right).